- Type of educational experience - a theoretical and academic educational experience. There can be a generalist or specialist approach.
- What do you get? Degree
- How long does it take? Three to five years for an undergraduate program, considerably longer for a master's or Ph.D.
How many are there in Saskatchewan? What are their names and locations?
Technical Institute / Regional College
- Type of educational experience - A practical, hands-on approach to education. Training is specialized for particular occupations.
- What do you get? Diploma or certificate
- How long does it take? One year for a certificate ; two or three years for a diploma. Generally speaking, a "technician"is a two-year program and "technologist" is a three-year program.
How many are there in Saskatchewan? There is ___ technical institute (with ___ campuses) and ___regional colleges in Saskatchewan.
What are their names and locations?
What are their names and locations?